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122 miss comentarios - 71 amigos
EmilieCarriedo , - 14/05/2014 23:52 :

I didn't listen to it either, it was in the videos suggestions x) Do you know when season 2 of Free! will be out ? 

EmilieCarriedo , - 14/05/2014 23:40 :

They sound really good together [= Makoto & Haruka], right ? There is also a Nagisa and Rei duet, have you listened to it ? :)

EmilieCarriedo , - 14/05/2014 21:09 :

About the duet character songs, take a look at those two links [They are videos with some of the duets ^^] :



But If you want to listen to more duets, just type "free duet character song" on YouTube and a bunch of videos will

maferrw , - 14/05/2014 03:22 :

Me encanta el modo que visites a tu miss...saludos :3 !!

EmilieCarriedo , - 14/05/2014 01:42 :

Okay for SAO, might look it up :) Yeah, Free! season 2 ! *^* And you know what the sad thing is ? I'll probably be on holiday without Internet so I'll miss the beginning of the new season :'( Also did you hear about the duet character songs for Free! ?

EmilieCarriedo , - 13/05/2014 23:07 :

Wait. Another season of SnK ? I still have to watch the first one x) Can't wait the 2nd season of Free! And also what's SAO ? o_o

Natsunya Me encanta estar en youtube y que me salgan anuncios koreanos y japoneses ^.^ kawaii xD son raros!
- 13/05/2014 19:04
EmilieCarriedo , - 13/05/2014 18:58 :

Hmm... No, it was out last year from the end of January... I think :/

EmilieCarriedo , - 13/05/2014 18:49 :

Aww, thank you *w* Wait, you like every couple ? [Except the ones with China, of course ^^] You know there is a 5th season for Hetalia ? 

EmilieCarriedo , - 13/05/2014 18:16 :

Germany/America ? That's an interesting pairing :) I only seem to like mainstream pairings --' [Although I don't think Rome/Germania is a very popular pairing...] I like my style too, I mean, it reflects myself, the music I'm listening to, what I'm reading... :) 

EmilieCarriedo , - 13/05/2014 17:24 :

I like Rintori too *o* But in Free!, I also like RinHaru [Had and still have a hard time choosing between MakoHaru and RinHaru...] and as for Nagirei, well I think it's cute but I don't really like it mostly because Nagisa gets on my nerves >< In Hetalia, I also like GerIta [Germany/Italy], FrUK [France/England], PruHun [Prussia/Hungary] and RoGer [Rome/Germania]. As for favourite characters, I like almost everybody in Hetalia and in Free! :] For the podium, as long as you don't spam people with comments and/or PM's and you don't change your style for one that is sure to land on the podium, you have a chance but then it's still in the hands of people who vote ._.

EmilieCarriedo , - 13/05/2014 16:06 :

Oh that's cool to know you like both couples ^^ Also do you like other couples and have favourite characters ? Don't worry, your English isn't that bad, on the other hand my Spanish is really bad... [but I understand Spanish, thanks to Latin... x)] About the podium, well maybe one day... when people's taste in outfits will change... 


EmilieCarriedo , - 13/05/2014 00:07 :

Gracias por tu comentario :) [Now I'll write in English if you don't mind ^^'] That little comment was nice of you but I know I'll never be on the podium, let alone be in the finalists D: Oh so, apparently, you like Spamano and MakoHaru, right ?

See you soon, Emilie'~#

PiruStyle , - 12/05/2014 18:02 :

Solo quería pasar por aqui para decirte que ADORO tu conjunto de Aries *-*

Layla , - 7/05/2014 22:42 :

Bueno, no estás entre las finalistas pero te lo merecías, porque tú has visto las chicas de ahí? Ahora la moda debe ser ir súper sencilla... ah, y sobretodo llevar el conjunto ese del Acuario xD Tu miss está preciosa y tarde o temprano te llegará el podio, te lo mereces! 

Layla , - 7/05/2014 22:16 :

Natsu tu miss está preciosa ahora *o* Tienes que estar en el podio ya!! 

Rouna , - 3/05/2014 00:09 :

¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario! Te agrego a amigas ahora mismo ^^

Pimky , - 30/04/2014 09:11 :

Gracias ♥

Pimky , - 29/04/2014 18:02 :

hermosa, si quieres venir a verme!

Nakimi18 , - 28/04/2014 02:06 :

muchas gracias! y la verdad espero que así sea :P jeje